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Best Cat Calming Spray For A Cool Cat: Classic Feliway Spray Review

To help soothe your anxious kitty, we reviewed the best cat calming aids on the market. Cat calming sprays are a great solution to help reduce short-term stress and anxiety brought on by changes in environment, including traveling with your cat, family gatherings, fireworks, and the addition of a new pet in the home.

Numerous companies have released a variety of cat calming aids, including sprays to help our cats cope with the stresses of everyday life. 

However, with their patented pheromone technology that mimics the calming facial pheromones used by cats to communicate and establish territories, Feliway is still very much a leader in the market.

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FELIWAY Classic Cat Calming Pheromone Spray

FELIWAY Classic Cat Calming Pheromone SprayCats are solitary hunters by nature, so territories are incredibly important tools to secure abundant hunting grounds and avoid conflict with other cats. Over the years, our pet cats have learned to live in close quarters with each other; however, this natural instinct still runs strong. 

Instead of fighting for territory, cats leave scent markers for other cats to find using specialized facial scent glands, as well as urine and feces. Have you ever wondered why toileting outside the litter box and frequent urine marking are common behaviors seen in anxious cats? It’s because they are trying to establish a territory that will help them to feel safe when things get a bit overwhelming. Feliway mimics these territorial pheromones to create a feeling of security in our feline companions. 

Feliway spray Feliway multicat
Feliway Spray for Cat Calming - It Works For Us And We Love It

The Classic Feliway Spray is odorless to humans but felines have a much stronger sense of smell than us. So, these sprays can be incredibly effective at reducing symptoms of anxiety in pet cats


The Classic Feliway Spray boasts an impressive 5-star rating on the official Feliway website and a 4.1 out of 5 star rating on Amazon. It is also a vet-recommended product. Here’s why.

The Classic Feliway Spray comes in a convenient 60ml bottle which makes it a great solution to travel anxiety as well as to calm feline stress in the home. Just spray 8-10 pumps of the product onto cat bedding or directly into the cat carrier and wait for around 10-15 minutes before allowing your cat into the area. Alternatively, you can spray the solutions directly onto any areas that your cat is prone to urine marking or scratching, such as the sofa or stairs as it doesn’t stain. The calming synthetic pheromones will help to soothe your kitty’s anxiety and reduce the likelihood of the behavior being repeated.

Each application lasts for 4-5 hours and the whole bottle should last for around 50 applications. So, it’s good value for money. This product can also be used for multi-cat households. Simply spray the Classic Feliway Spray in any area that your cats frequent to reduce aggression and conflict between your feline housemates.


The Classic Feliway Spray is labeled as completely drug-free. However, it does contain small traces of ethanol so you should never spray it directly on or near your cat. Just like any cat calming aid, the Feliway spray may not work on all cats so you will need to do a bit of trial and error to find the best solution to your cat’s anxiety. 

While the Classic Feliway Spray goes a long way toward reducing symptoms of anxiety in cats, it’s not a long-term solution. Instead, this product is designed to be used alongside other cat calming aids, particularly in severe cases. These can include behavioral techniques, such as counter conditioning, and other products such as cat calming collars. If the anxiety is still present, you may want to seek the advice of a certified pet behaviorist such as Ingrid Johnson

Alternative Cat Calming Sprays

If you’re not sure this is the best fit for your cat, check out our reviews of the 10 best calming sprays. There are a few different choices of sprays in there that can help your cat. Our top choices are:

Frequently Asked Questions About Feliway

What is Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray?

This spray is a synthetic version of the feline facial pheromone that helps to soothe and calm a cat in a stressful situation. It can help cats adapt to new situations, lower stress and anxiety, and stop undesirable habits.

How does Feliway Spray work?

Cats naturally release pheromones when they rub their faces against things in their environment, and Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray mimics these pheromones to help cats relax. This lets the cat know that the environment is secure and comfortable, which helps to lower stress and encourage relaxation.

What are the benefits of using Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray?

Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray has a number of benefits, such as lowering tension and anxiety in cats, preventing undesirable habits like clawing or spraying, and assisting cats in adjusting to novel situations like moving into a new home or seeing the vet.

How do I use Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray?

Spray in the area where the cat spends most of its time, such as its bed or a favorite spot. To keep it working, use it frequently; you might also need to use more spray when stress or anxiety levels are higher.

Does Feliway Spray have side effects?

It is generally considered safe and doesn’t have any known side effects. But some cats may not respond to it or may temporarily become more agitated or anxious, so watch them carefully.

How does Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray compare to other cat calming sprays?

Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray is one of the most popular cat calming sprays on the market for good reason. While there are other available alternatives, many cat owners rely on Feliway Classic for the best results in lowering stress and encouraging relaxation in their cats.

Can Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray be used for all types of cats?

Generally all cats, including kittens and senior cats, can safely use Feliway Classic Cat Calming Spray. Before using any new product, it is, however, always advisable to speak with a veterinarian, especially if your cat is already ill or is receiving medicine.

Conclusion: Feliway Spray Is A Great Product That Performs Better Than The Rest

The Classic Feliway Spray is a vet-trusted product that can really help cats by reducing the symptoms of cat anxiety.

It’s important to remember that short-term nervousness in cats is completely normal but just like humans, they can experience stress and anxiety which often require intervention to treat. By observing your cat closely, you will be able to pick up on any worrying changes in behavior that could indicate anxiety, including: 

  • Withdrawal
  • Excessive grooming
  • Changes in eating or drinking habits
  • Trembling
  • Vomiting or diarrhea 

The unique pheromone technology of the Classic Feliway Spray can go a long way toward helping to calm your kitty because it mimics that natural calming facial pheromones given off by cats. However, you should always seek the advice of a vet if you are concerned. 


Carla Shaik, Chief Editor and Writer, BSC Animal Behavior and Welfare

Carla Shaik, Chief Editor and Writer, BSC Animal Behavior and Welfare

Our resident animal welfare expert, Carla Shaik has always had a passion for writing and educating the public on topics that really matter, especially cat welfare. Since graduating with a BSC in Animal Behavior and Welfare, Carla has written for a national cat magazine for eight years and more recently branched out into becoming a freelance writer full-time...